Can I File an Injury Lawsuit in California if I Trip and Fall on the Sidewalk?

File an Injury Lawsuit in California if I Trip and Fall on the Sidewalk
Young female that has fallen over in street and lying on the road

Being one of the most populous states in the United States, California sees millions of slips and fall incidents annually. With more than 10,000 miles of sidewalk, there are ample opportunities for an unsuspecting individual to encounter a safety hazard that could cause them to slip or trip and fall on the ground, resulting in serious physical harm. Although most slip-and-fall accident victims can recover with appropriate medical or surgical treatment, some might not be so fortunate. Sidewalk slip and fall accidents are one of the leading causes of accident-related mortality in the United States.

If you were injured in a slip-and-fall incident on the sidewalk and believed that your accident was not your fault, you might be able to pursue legal action against one or more negligent parties. Having expert legal representation is the best way to ensure that no individual or entity would encroach on your legal rights and is one of the foremost steps you should take after your accident.

Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Most slip-and-fall accidents on sidewalks result from unaddressed public safety hazards like cracks, open potholes, obstructing tree roots, a buildup of ice or snow, liquid spills, debris, and more. Most of these safety hazards can be eliminated with regular maintenance and public safety checks, and any unfortunate incidents can therefore be avoided. Low lighting and uneven pavement slabs can also cause an individual to trip and fall, incurring serious physical harm.

Common Slip and Fall Injuries

Although some slip-and-fall accidents only result in minor cuts and bruises, others might result in serious physical damage. Some of the most common types of slip and fall injuries include broken bones, joint dislocations or sprains, neck and back injuries, spinal cord damage, paralysis, contusions, lacerations, internal bleeding, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and more. An injury does not need to be lethal to harm your quality of life. Even seemingly minor injuries can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses and loss of earning capacity. More serious injuries like spinal cord damage can result in temporary or permanent disability and even death.

Can You File a Lawsuit?

Most slip and fall incidents result from safety hazards on public or private property. If you believe that your accident resulted from the failure of the property owner or administration to address these hazards timely, you can pursue legal action against them to obtain financial compensation for your losses. Depending on the circumstances of your slip and fall incident, you might be able to file a lawsuit against the local municipality or the private property owner responsible for maintaining the sidewalk in question.


If you are considering pursuing legal action against the negligent party responsible for your sidewalk slip and fall incident, you should consult an expert personal injury lawyer. A skilled attorney will handle all the paperwork and compile the necessary evidence to support your case. Most law firms offer a free initial legal consultation to offer advice and formulate an initial strategy for your claim.