How to Recognize the Signs of Psychosis


Psychosis is an often-misunderstood mental problem. Whether you’re watching movies on Hulu or reading the latest horror novel, you may get the idea that you know exactly what this phenomenon is all about. However, if you ever experience psychosis yourself or see it in someone else, you might be surprised to find that it’s different from what you expected. Here’s how to recognize the signs of psychosis’s and what you can do about it.

Signs of Psychosis

If you’re concerned that you or someone you know may be experiencing psychosis, it might be beneficial for you to read about psychosis, how this mental problem shows up, what mental disorders it’s related to, and what treatments are available. But for a quick look at what to expect, here’s a list of the most common symptoms.

  • Problems with concentration – people with psychosis are often dealing with intense thoughts and feelings that make it hard for them to concentrate on everyday things.


  • Sleep problems – psychosis can disrupt sleep, causing you to sleep too little, or it can depress your mood, causing you to sleep too much. Sometimes people with psychosis sleep more than usual as a way to escape their tortuous thoughts.


  • Anxiety – psychosis often comes with anxiety and feelings of fear and dread. Sometimes, the fear is related to their suspicions, delusions, or hallucinations. Other times, people with psychosis have free-floating anxiety that doesn’t seem related to anything in particular.


  • Suspiciousness – if you have psychosis, you might be suspicious of other people or of organizations or government agencies. Anyone might be slightly distrustful of others at times, but if you have psychosis, you may have complicated ideas of how someone or some organization is trying to “get” you.


  • Delusions – delusions are persistent, often bizarre ideas that you can’t let go of even when you see evidence that they are untrue. Someone with psychosis might have delusions of grandeur, thinking that they are a religious figure or a celebrity. Or, they might have delusions that they’re being watched or that someone is trying to speak to them through books or music, for example.


  • Withdrawal – people with psychosis’s often withdraw from the company of others. This may be due to distress over the other symptoms they’re having, or it could be as a way to decrease stimulation to avoid anxiety.


  • Hallucinations – one of the most telling symptoms of psychosis’s is having hallucinations. If you or someone you know is seeing or hearing things that aren’t there, they might be having a psychotic episode.


  • Disorganized speech – when you talk to someone who has psychosis, you might notice that their speech doesn’t make much sense. The way they use words might seem unusual or illogical.

Is Psychosis Dangerous?

Psychosis can be dangerous at times, especially for the person who is experiencing it. Someone who has psychosis may be so alarmed by their symptoms that they attempt suicide. Other times, they may do dangerous things, either because they’re so far from reality that they don’t realize the danger or because they feel compelled by voices or visions they’re experiencing. That;;s why it’s so important to recognize psychosis when it happens and get help as soon as possible.

What to Do about Psychosis’s

If you are experiencing several of the symptoms of psychosis, seek help from a mental health professional immediately. They can help you deal with your symptoms, discover what is happening to you, and get the treatment you need. But if someone you know seems to be having a psychotic episode, the best thing you can do is talk to them and try to help them understand that a psychotherapist or psychiatrist can help them. The only exception is if the person’s behavior is a danger to themselves or others. In that case, call for emergency care without delay.

Recognizing the signs of psychosis’s can sometimes save a life. And even if the symptoms are milder, it can be the beginning of getting someone to help you feel and function better.