With technology as an ally, an attorney in an experienced law firm can redefine how to attract and retain clients. Having a command of the law is no longer enough to guarantee the success of an office. Just providing legal services became the basic, the expected, so surprising with performance and innovation that weigh the decisions of legal firm clients.In addition to getting more clients, the entrepreneur lawyer also has a responsibility to keep those. To help you meet the challenge of winning and retaining clients, we’ve selected some top tips for reinventing the practice in your office. Below are few Strategies to Attract and Retain Your Clients.
Winning customers
- Have a focus
Choose the area of law that you want to pursue and invest in becoming a reference. Studying hard is the foundation of legal professionals. Therefore, a significant differential can be how you share your experience: produce videos, participate in conferences, contribute articles in books and magazines and mark your presence at events. When choosing between a general attorney and one who has built a solid and specialized name, the client will undoubtedly take a closer look at the second profile.
- Invest in your office
Another important factor, in addition to acquiring knowledge and maintaining active participation in events, is investing in positioning. The brand, the logo, the business cards and the digital presence are the elements that will create in the client’s mind the first images they will have of you, and the more impressive and consistent, the better those memories will be.
- Know your audience
In a society strongly influenced by design thinking practices, knowing the needs of your clients is essential. From the legal segment chosen by you, study the behaviours of those who seek you, that is, their problems, the types of cases in which they seek help, age, social class and income. The more you show that you know the customer’s reality, the more they will trust you to solve their needs.
- Invest in your digital presence
The world is living in the age of Information, and, naturally, people turn to the networks to investigate before making a decision. Therefore, investing in your digital presence can be very useful.
The challenge of keeping customers
Solving the customer’s problem may seem to some people to mean the end of that working relationship, but this is not true. Staying close to the customer is creating a partnership that can be very long-lasting because, in the future, they may need you again. Next, we highlight some points to strengthen the relationship with those who are already office clients.
- Be proactive
After a process, project or contract, present a report to your client with insights on work, costs and efficiency. If your office uses legal management software, this type of survey will be quick. It will allow you to continue with the next step: propose initiatives to mitigate future risks, optimize flows (whether legal or administrative) and carry out rapid monitoring of the scenario. future. This will show the client that the time they worked together was productive and will become a strategic ally.
- Be memorable
Even with the good impressions that you will work to generate clients, personal reference always helps in hiring when making decisions in the office. Be kind, attentive and helpful with your former clients, as they will remember your services and would probably recommend you to their friends and family as a good professional who left great experiences. Invest in knowing your areas of action and topics of interest and, with the help of an excellent legal information system, share relevant and first-hand content.
Professionals in the legal world must increasingly broaden their horizons and master other matters, such as Administration, Marketing and People Management.