Instagram Advertising: A Visual Approach to Promoting Your Store

Instagram Advertising

In the recent online business landscape, Instagram is becoming a popular place to grow online stores. With every day passing, more and more businesses, small stores and small sellers are being introduced on Instagram. But always remember, it’s one thing to be on a place like Instagram. And growing here within your targeted community is another. But when it comes to grow yourself as a leading store on Instagram, the Instagram advertising is a lot helpful. There are multiple types of Instagram ads to choose from. You can apply either or all of them for promoting your store.

However, in this guide, we’ll learn about all those top Instagram advertising ads methods that small store or businesses can use for their Instagram success. Don’t skip reading till the end.

Top 8 Instagram Advertising Methods To Promote Your Store

Instagram is always working day and night to bring new and helpful changes in the platform. Such changes are not only beneficial for businesses or stores. They are also helpful for general public and thousands of Instagram influencer community. Currently, there are 8 different Instagram advertising methods you can use to promote a social store or a small business on this platform. Each of these is explained briefly as follows:

1. Instagram Image Ads

The first famous and widely used advertisement method on Instagram is the Instagram image ads. Such ads display in your feed just like other normal images appear. But these ads clearly have an indicator showing these are promotional ads or images. Brands or growing social store can use these Instagram image ads for their target audience. The Instagram algorithm identifies the target audience looking for your store-related products and services and for that reason, it’s great practice to automatically resize and refine images accordingly.And then this algorithm display such ads to those people. You can comprehensively promote your Instagram store and amplify its follower’s growth with running paid image ads on this social media platform.

2. Instagram Video Ads

Next comes Instagram video ads. Video ads showcase a brand’s products or services to the target audience in the form of video content. Its just like seeing advertising videos on YouTube. If you have a small store which you want to grow on Instagram, consider bringing influencers in your video ads campaign and witness the boost in your conversions by overnight. This method has worked for several social media stores on Instagram. And who knows that yours could be the next one.

3. Instagram Story Ads

Did it ever occur to you that you see ads when you keep shuffling between different stories of the people you follow on Instagram? Yes, it is another form of advertisement. When people are interested in watching someone’s else stories, they are also forced to see these Instagram story ads. These ads could be in the form of video or image content. Hence, you can do your brand’s promotion by using Instagram story ads.

4. Instagram Carousal Ads

Its just like a SlideShare sharing multiple stories in front of you. These carousal ads on Instagram are a combination of more than one pictures. These help you share your brand story over multiple images in a single ad campaign. You can educate your target audience over a process. Or you can describe the benefits your offered products can provide to the people with carousal ads. User can browse between these images and see your brand promotion.

5. Instagram Reels Ads

Reels have been a great success for Instagram. It is not only a perfect tool for influencers, but small or large online businesses are also bringing them into their practice. Instagram reel ads appear when you continuously keep watching those video reels. On this, a store on Instagram can do its promotion because people are ever busy in watching and sharing reels to their loved ones on the platform.

6. Instagram Collection Ads

How about sharing a complete catalogue of your most admired store products on Instagram? Collection ads help you advertise a full collection of your store products on Instagram. With these, you can directly influence the targeted customers to click on those products and check out what else you have got to offer. Bring the products direct from your store to your audience with the help of collection ads and promote your store to a great deal.

7. Instagram Explore Ads

When you have done watching all the latest posts from your followed accounts on Instagram, it starts suggesting more people and more content to watch. There appears the Instagram explore ads. These don’t appear normally in the feed. But in that suggested content section. These ads bring another useful way of promoting your Instagram store over a short period.

8. Instagram Shopping Ads

Recently, for store owners and businesses on Instagram, it has enabled a new e-commerce feature. Now, people can buy direct products from the store and check out without leaving the place. With this, Instagram keeps suggesting shopping ads in that place to the people looking for new products to buy. And in case you own an Instagram store and want its promotion, try shopping ads if the feature is available in your region right now.

Final Words:

Hence, these are some useful and currently available advertising methods on Instagram for promoting your social media stores. You can choose any of these and gain more credibility and trust for your social media store. So, if you liked the information, don’t forget sharing it. Also, thanks for reading and keep visiting for more information on Social media store growth!