Top tips for maintaining your lawn in different seasons


Getting your lawn looking great throughout the year requires a little work. Several tips can help you keep your lawn looking its best. The top three tips include: aerating the soil, mowing high, and fertilizing your lawn.

Aerate the soil

Depending on your soil, you may need to aerate the soil to keep your lawn looking its best. Aeration works by breaking up compacted soil and creating more spaces for air, water and nutrients to penetrate the root system of your grass. Ideally, aeration is done during the growing season. It ensures that the roots of your grass have the opportunity to grow deep and strong.

If you have a new lawn or have been a victim of construction, renovation, or other stresses, you may need to aerate your soil. Often, these events strip away topsoil and compact the subsoil beneath your lawn. Aeration can help to relieve stress and prepare your soil for healthy grass growth in the spring.

Soil aeration breaks up the layer of thatch in your lawn, a layer of decomposing organic matter that sits between the surface of your grass and the soil. If the thatch is too thick, it can block the flow of air and water to your grass and inhibit the development of the roots.

Aerating your lawn can improve its colour, density, and overall health. The process will also improve drainage, making it easier for your grass to absorb moisture and nutrients from the ground.

Aeration can be accomplished with a hand aerator or a motor-driven machine. The aerator will make holes in the soil and deliver fertilizer directly to the root system of your grass. It is recommended that you aerate your lawn at least twice a year.

You may need to aerate clay more frequently if your soil is clay. Clay soil tends to compact more easily than other types of soil. It is because it is very sticky. During a dry spell, it can become hard.

If you have an irrigation system, it is essential to flag your sprinkler heads and lines before aerating. The soil will adhere to the pipes and wires if you do not. Aerating the soil should not be performed during hot, dry periods, as it can damage the root system of your grass.


Getting the right lawn fertilizer at the right time is essential for a healthy lawn. The type of lawn and the weather in your area will affect the amount of nitrogen you will need to apply. You will also want to follow the label instructions closely. Using a slow-release fertilizer is best, as these are gentler on your lawn. A local garden center or cooperative extension office can provide recommendations if you need help determining what type of fertilizer to use.

The ideal time to fertilize your lawn is during the spring. It is when the grass will begin to grow and is most actively growing. Using fertilizer during this time will help your lawn get the nutrients it needs to survive the summer months. You will also need to consider your watering restrictions. For example, if you are under water restrictions, you should hold off on fertilizing until wet weather arrives.

Getting the right type of lawn fertilizer at the right time is easy, especially if you know how to do it correctly. The best time to apply fertilizer is when the grass looks like it will need to be mowed. It will give the roots a chance to soak up the nutrients in the soil.


Using the proper time to seed your lawn is essential to achieving a thick, green lawn. The right time depends on where you live, but generally speaking, the last five weeks of the summer are the best times to sow. You want to avoid setting your lawn back several years with too late a sow.

The best barometer for the best time to sow your lawn is the temperature. Cool temperatures will keep your soil from drying out. Keeping the area moist will help the seeds to germinate.

Another good indicator is how much sun and shade your lawn receives. You’ll likely be able to enjoy a bit more sunlight in the spring. The sun will also provide some much-needed Vitamin D to your plants.

The best way to seed your lawn is to find a solid foundation. It can be done by removing rocks and debris from your lawn. You can also improve the quality of the soil by applying a mulch layer. It will help keep the seeds from being washed away by heavy rain.

Mow high

During the spring, summer, and fall, it is essential to conduct Lawn maintenance in Calgary at various heights, depending on the type of grass you have. Some grasses need to be mowed at a low setting to promote green-up, while others need to be mowed higher to stimulate growth. 

Generally, warm-season grasses are mowed at a lower height in the spring and summer, while cool-season grasses are mowed higher in the spring and fall. Keeping your lawn at a low height in the spring and summer will also help to minimize thatch accumulation. A higher setting will allow you to mow your lawn during the growing season without slicing the turf.

Some of the most common grasses that need to be mowed high in the spring and fall include fescue, bluegrass, and Kentucky bluegrass. These grasses require a height of one to four inches during the growing season.