Understanding a Digital Signature Certificate

Digital Signature Certificate

A digital signature is basically a certificate, which the signer of the digital signature attaches to the content, document or resource, in case the signer may have altered or tampered with it. If the signer alters or removes the certificate, the document or resource becomes invalid and becomes a useless copy.

Depending on the type of digital signature certificate, they can prove the truthfulness of the digital signature, and other things. Class 1 certificate is considered the most authentic. Class 2 and Class 3 certificates are a little bit less authentic.

Class 1 digital signature certificate is an electronic version of the physical document, used by establishments, organisations and individuals. An electronic copy of the document, prepared by signing it, does not verify the veracity of the document. The digital signature of an electronic document does not provide a verbal verification or rebuttal of the digital signature.

The digital signature certificate can be rendered either digitally or lithographically. They may also include an electronic seal, which function as a security device and act as a mechanism to give a digital signature for integrity, and to protect the rights of others.

A digital signature certificate can be issued to electronic signatures or they can be issued by typing the document in a box and marking the box with an electronic seal. If there is no signature, the seal is null and void. The following are examples of the digital signature certificates:

Written approval may be used to authenticate the digital signature. Sometimes a witness, or a signature processor, is used to attest the authenticity of the signature. Examples of witnesses are a secretary, a partner or an employee. A witness can certify the authenticity of the signature, or a signature processor can authenticate the signature.

A digital signature certificate may be available, for the use of a group or organization. With this kind of digital signature certificate, a user or group could issue a special digital signature for all their messages and documents. Sometimes, a number of individuals or groups may issue a shared digital signature. They may use any number of methods to produce digital signatures.

A digital signature certificate may be available as a computer program or a software package. Software program provides a range of options to print, save and monitor the digital signature certificate.

A digital signature certificate is a digital key, which contains the public key, and the private key. When the public key is used to sign a message, it verifies the digital signature certificate.

A digital signature certificate is a public key encryption, and can be signed by the public key, or a “private key”, used by an individual, group or company. An individual, group or company can use the private key to produce a digital signature, so that no one else may use the public key to verify the signature.

A digital signature certificate is a digital key which allows the holder to sign or authenticate a digital file, document or resource. A digital signature certificate is a verified digital signature certificate, which can be provided to a client or an organisation, to prove the authenticity of the digital signature, or to verify the digital signature.