8 Facts About Hacking You’ve Never Known


Hacking has become a common buzzword in our digital age, with high-profile data breaches making headlines regularly. However, there is still much about the world of hacking that remains unknown to the general public. This article will tell you some of the most fascinating and little-known facts about hacking.

8 Facts About Hacking You’ve Never Known:

1. Hacking has been around since the dawn of computing.

Contrary to popular belief, hacking is not a recent development. The first recorded instance of hacking occurred in the 1960s when a group of computer enthusiasts at MIT used their knowledge of computer systems to gain unauthorized access to mainframes. These early hackers were primarily motivated to explore and learn about computer systems’ inner workings rather than cause harm.

2. The first computer virus was created in the 1980s:

The first computer virus, as given in PIA’s hacking explanation, was created in 1970s. It was called the “creeper”. The second popular computer virus, the “Brain” virus, was created in 1986 by two brothers in Pakistan. The virus spread through floppy disks and was designed to protect software from piracy. However, the virus quickly became a problem, infecting computers and causing widespread damage. Since then, viruses have become much more sophisticated and are now used by hackers for malicious purposes.

3. 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses

Small businesses are often seen as an easier target for hackers, as they often have limited resources for cybersecurity. ZeeBiz shared the statistics of 43% of all cyberattacks that target small businesses.

4. $4.35 million is the average cost of a data breach

Data breaches can be extremely costly for organizations. According to Statista, 4.35 million dollars is the average cost of a data breach. This cost includes the cost of remediation, lost business, and damage to the organization’s reputation.

5. The average time to detect a breach is 207 days

It can take organizations a significant amount of time to detect a breach, with the average time to detection estimated at 207 days. This long time frame gives hackers ample opportunity to steal sensitive information and cause significant damage.

6. Ransomware attacks have increased by 365% in the last five years

Ransomware encrypts the victim’s files and then demands payment in exchange for the decryption key. According to a new report, ransomware attacks have increased by 365% in the last five years.

7. More than 4 billion records were exposed in data breaches in 2019

Data breaches have become increasingly common, with over 4 billion records exposed in 2019. This number is expected to grow as connected devices continue to increase and hackers become more sophisticated in their methods.

8. The healthcare industry is the most targeted industry for cyber attacks

The healthcare industry is the most targeted for cyber attacks due to the valuable and sensitive nature of the information it holds. The healthcare industry accounted for 43% of all data breaches in 2019.


In conclusion, hacking is a complex and constantly evolving field that remains a mystery for many. From its early beginnings as a way for computer enthusiasts to explore the inner workings of systems to its current status as a major threat to national security. The world of hacking is full of fascinating and little-known facts. Understanding these facts is crucial in our fight against cybercrime.