How to drain fluid from middle ear at home in a safe manner?

how to drain fluid from middle ear at home

Fluid can get collected in the middle ear because of allergies, common cold, and other similar conditions. Most of the time, this fluid will drain into the throat via the Eustachian tube. However, if the Eustachian tube swells up, a blockage will be induced, leading to fluid accumulation in the middle ear. Here, we will be discovering how to drain fluid from middle ear at home in a safe way.

Severe cases of fluid accumulation might require medical treatments. Accumulation of fluid in the middle ear can show a number of symptoms. It can have a significant impact on your hearing ability. Additionally, it can also affect your balance and make movements difficult.

Structure of Human Ear

The issue of fluid accumulation in the middle ear can be resolved safely at home with some effective methods. But, to use these methods correctly, a thorough knowledge of the structure of the human ear is necessary. 

Structure of Human Ear
Image credits: SlideModel

1. Outer ear

This is the outer, visible portion of our ear. It includes the pinna and the ear canal. This part of the ear directs the sound waves into the middle portion.

2. Middle ear

This is the area present behind the eardrum. Several small bones are present in the middle ear and they convert the sound waves into vibrations.

3. Inner ear

This portion of the ear contains the cochlea. It converts the sound vibrations into electrical signals which are then sent to the brain for interpretation.

How to drain fluid from middle ear at home safely?

Here, we will be looking at the popular remedies that can be used for resolving the issue of fluid accumulation in the middle ear. However, you should note that these are home remedies and they don’t replace medical interventions. If you are experiencing the problem of fluid accumulation persistently, or if it is severe, then please consider visiting an ENT specialist. 

1. Vacuum Creation

Vacuum Creation
Image credits: India Roundup

Creating a vacuum will help to drag the accumulated fluid out of the middle ear. 

  1. You have to cover the concerned ear using the palm of your hand. 
  2. Then, push and pull the palm away from the ear in a quick manner. This will create a suctioning effect. 
  3. You can repeat this until the fluid drains out of the ear.

2. Jiggling Action

How to drain fluid from middle ear at home with Jiggling Action
Image credits: 5-Minute Crafts

This is a great solution that will help you to drain the accumulated fluid from the middle ear at home. The jiggling action will open up the blocked Eustachian tubes and the fluid will easily flow out. 

  1. Hold your earlobe gently with your fingers.
  2. Move the earlobe up and down continuously to produce a jiggling effect.  
  3. Be gentle with your ear while jiggling it to avoid any kind of damage. Continue doing this, until the accumulated fluid drains out. 

3. Steam Inhalation

Steam Inhalation
Image credits: Healthkart

Fluid accumulation occurs when the collected fluid becomes unable to move towards the throat. This blockage occurs because of the inflammation of the Eustachian tube. By inhaling steam for sometime, this swelling can be reduced. Thereby, the accumulated fluid will drain out easily.

  1. Heat water until it starts producing adequate steam. 
  2. Transfer this water into a bowl and breathe in the steam. You can also use a steam inhaler for this purpose.

4. Take the help of Gravity

Take the help of Gravity
Image credits: Eli & Elm

Let’s see how to drain fluid from middle ear at home with the help of gravity. 

  1. Lie down comfortably, and make sure that the affected ear is facing the downward direction. 
  2. Gravity will pull the accumulated fluid downwards and it will slowly exit the middle ear. 

5. Saltwater Gargle

How to drain fluid from middle ear at home with Saltwater Gargle
Image credits: Laki Naturals

Warm saltwater will help in managing the swelling associated with the Eustachian tube. This will help the fluid to drain out of the middle ear, and will also alleviate your earache. 

  1. Take some warm water and transfer it to a cup. 
  2. To it, add 1 teaspoon salt and mix thoroughly. 
  3. Then, use this saltwater solution to gargle for a few minutes. While gargling, you must spit out the used solution at regular intervals.

6. Hot Shower

Hot Shower
Image credits: Healthline

Hot Shower also has the ability to reduce the swelling of the Eustachian tube. This will make way for the accumulated fluid to exit the middle ear. Hot showers can also help in relieving the earache that you might be experiencing.

  1. Take a hot shower for 10-15 minutes. A time duration of more than 15 minutes is not advised as it will dry up the skin.
  2. While taking the shower, make sure you are exposing the affected ear to the warm water.

7. Warm Compress

Warm Compress
Image credits: Everyday Health

Now, we will find out process to drain fluid from middle ear at home with the help of a warm compress. Warm compress can unblock the Eustachian tube very easily. This will facilitate the drainage of the accumulated fluid from the middle ear.

  1. Take a warm compress and place it over the ear that has been affected.
  2. You can also give a gentle pressure to your ear while placing the warm compress.

Things to avoid while draining fluid from middle ear at home

We have seen how to drain fluid from middle ear at home using vacuum, gravity, steam inhalation, saltwater gargle, and more. Ear is a delicate organ, and these home remedies must be performed with utmost care. Here are a few things that you must avoid while trying to drain fluid from the middle ear at home.

how to drain fluid from middle ear at home
Image credits: Mental Floss
  1. Never put cotton swabs, cloth pieces, or other materials into the affected ear. Such substances can get trapped in the ear and aggravate the blockage further. 
  2. You shouldn’t scratch the inside portion of the ear with your fingers. This can introduce different microorganisms into the ear canal. As a result, a small irritation might take the form of an ear infection.
  3. Avoid inserting substances, like pen and pencil into the ear. These substances will push the fluid further into the ear and will worsen the condition. Sometimes, it can also lead to the puncture of the eardrum.

When should you see an ENT specialist?

When should you see an ENT specialist
Image credits: Mountain Ear Nose and Throat Associates

If the home remedies are unable to drain the accumulated fluid from the middle ear, then there might be something serious going on and you must visit an ENT specialist. During such cases, there are certain symptoms that you will be experiencing.

  1. Foul smelling fluids coming out of the ear.
  2. Pain in the ear accompanied by fever.
  3. Pain radiating towards the neck, head, and face.
  4. Skin around the affected ear becomes red and swollen.
  5. Ear becomes totally blocked, along with hearing loss.
  6. Lymph nodes present near the ear and neck become swollen. 

Medical Interventions 

Some cases of fluid accumulation in the middle ear might require proper medical treatments. So, let’s find out the different medical interventions that are employed for clearing the accumulated fluid from the middle ear and easing the associated symptoms.

1. Antihistamines and Decongestants

Antihistamines and Decongestants
Image credits: Shutterstock

Antihistamines and Decongestants can help in relieving the swelling associated with the eardrum. Once the swelling subsides, the accumulated fluid will be able to make its way out of the middle ear.

2. Anti-Inflammatories

Image credits: Harvard Health

These medicines will help in combating the inflammation present inside the ear. Apart from that, anti-inflammatory medications will also help in reducing the earache.

3. Antibiotics

Image credits: Baptist Health

Sometimes, an ear infection might be causing the accumulation of fluid in the middle ear. In that case, the ENT specialist will prescribe an antibiotic, like Amoxicillin-Clavulanate, Cefdinir, or Azithromycin.

4. Myringotomy

Myringotomy- How to drain fluid from middle ear at home
Image credits: BackTable Podcast

This is a simple surgical procedure that is recommended when the person is not responding to the non-invasive medical treatments listed above. The myringotomy is carried out after the application of a suitable topical anesthetic. During the procedure, the healthcare provider will create a small hole in the affected eardrum. This hole will help the accumulated fluid to drain out of the middle ear.


Q1. What leads to fluid build up in the middle ear?

Fluid build up in the middle ear can occur because of common cold, allergies, ear infection, and more.

Q2. What prevents the fluid from exiting the middle ear?

The accumulated fluid exits the middle ear through the Eustachian tube. During some instances, the Eustachian tube can get swollen or congested. This prevents the fluid from draining out of the middle ear.

Q3. What are the best home remedies for draining the collected fluid from the middle ear?

There are different home remedies, like hot shower, steam inhalation, saltwater gargle, and more that you can use for draining the fluid from the middle ear.

Q4. What are the signs of an ear infection?

The common signs of an ear infection are abnormal ear drainage, hearing loss, balance disorder, fever, and ear ache.

Q5. How long do ear infections last?

Most cases of ear infection will go away within 1-2 weeks without any kind of treatment. 


In this blog, we have discussed how to drain fluid from middle ear at home in a safe manner. Make sure you are using these home remedies with great care and precaution. Keep in mind that these remedies cannot substitute actual medical treatments. So, if these home remedies are unable to resolve the issue, then fix an appointment with your ENT specialist. Thereby, you will be able to diagnose the actual problem and get the treatment accordingly.