How Long Does Magnesium Stay in Your Body: Detailed Explain

how long does magnesium stay in your body
Image Credit: MindBodyGreen

Magnesium is an important mineral that acts in an essential role in multiple bodily reactions. To maintain strong bones and muscles to support cardiovascular functions and neurological health, magnesium is essential in multiple physiological procedures. Even though it is important to be assured about a certain amount of magnesium intake, many of you ask about its stability in the body. How long does magnesium stay in your body? This website focuses on dealing with this question and offers a deep idea about magnesium intake and excretion.

How long does magnesium stay in your body

The amount of time magnesium flows inside your body changes based on different terms and conditions, which includes magnesium level, amount, and other differences. Magnesium usually stays for a little time in your blood, usually starting from 15 to 30 minutes. But , this does not mean that the essential element magnesium is excreted from the human body that soon or easily.

After the absorption of magnesium, it is dispensed to the tissues and cells all over the body, and it acts in important roles in multiple biological processes. The total amount of time it stays in body cells cannot be easily determined accurately. But, research shows that magnesium can stay stored in human body cells for a longer duration, starting from a few days to a few weeks.

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Image Credit: Ethical Nutrients

The end part of How long does magnesium stay in your body, is the excretion of excessive magnesium mostly happens in the kidneys. The kidneys work as a filter for magnesium in the blood and eliminate it through the urine. The amount of urine excretion is dependent on the level of magnesium in their body. In case the body is lacking a lot of magnesium, it happens to hold in more magnesium by stopping or reducing urinary output. Opposite to, when magnesium status is more than enough, the kidneys take out extra magnesium in the proper manner.

Magnesium Digestion

Prior to getting into the question How long does magnesium stay in your body, it is essential to understand its digestion process. Upon consumption of magnesium, it is soaked up primarily by the small intestine, with the help of mobile proteins. The soaked up magnesium then goes into the main blood flow, there the magnesium is distributed among multiple tissues and organs all over your body. Almost the majority of the magnesium is stored in body cells, but only a tiny amount of it circulates through the blood.

Absorption and maintenance

Multiple terms might have an influence on the absorption and maintenance of magnesium inside the human body. All these conditions include:

  • Food Factors: The type and choice of your food habit might have a significant effect on magnesium suction. Diets full of magnesium, like green leaves and vegetables, peanuts, , whole grains, and seeds are prone to offer more of magnesium to soak.
  • Food value: A person having specific health issues or lack of nutritional value may have an impact on the magnesium metabolism in the human body and. Health situations like Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and kidney disorders can affect magnesium absorption.

Medicines and Supplements

Specific medicines, including Thalidone,PPI (proton pump inhibitors) like Protonix, and a few antibiotics, might impact on the level of magnesium absorption. Moreover, somehow, intake of zinc on a higher level than required might also have an effect here.

how long does magnesium stay in your body
Image Credit: Health Digest


When a human starts to age, the potency of the body to soak in magnesium usually reduces. Older people stay at a higher alert of health deficiency due to lack of magnesium because of dietary choices and bodies incapability to soak as much anymore.

Work and lifestyle

Severe stress, consumption of a lot of alcohol, and stationary habits can diminish magnesium quantity in your body. Few hormones released due to stress, such as cortisol, can affect magnesium digestion and help in proper urine secretion.

In the End

To summarise the entire information, magnesium is an important mineral that plays an important role for multiple physiological functions. Even though it stays in the blood for a very short time, the storage time in human body cells helps to store them. This stay time of magnesium in the body is usually affected by terms and conditions like food consumption, nutritive status, medicines, and other factors. Even though the intact duration for magnesium excretion changes, it may stay in the cells for many days to a few weeks. Knowing the digestion and excretion of magnesium might help a person to make educated decisions about their magnesium consumption and entire health.

Keeping a proper magnesium status by maintaining a proper diet filled with foods containing magnesium and, if needed, supplements must be taken, which will help you to achieve ultimate health and care. But, it is always suggested to meet a professional doctor for specific suggestions about magnesium supplements and any other individual health concerns.

Keep in mind, magnesium is just a small part of the complicated puzzle of keeping balance of a healthy life adaptation, and a pure approach, along with a maintained diet, daily workouts, pressure, and proper sleep, is important for ultimate health.