How to Grow Cannabis in Your Garden

Entrepreneurs In Cannabis Industry

Now that marijuana is becoming legal in more and more states across the country, individuals that enjoy the product either recreationally or medically are free to start to grow at home. Indoor cultivation is a popular method but growing outdoors is the easiest. Before you grab your shovel, familiarize yourself with your local laws so that you can kick your gardening hobby up a notch in a safe and legal way. Here is how you can grow Cannabis in Your Garden.

Get Your Card

Having your medical marijuana card is a layer of insurance that you may find helpful if you are thinking about home grow operation. In states that have made strides with legalization, getting your card is a fast and easy process. In some states like Oklahoma, consumers can get their marijuana cards online. Having your card means that you are free to move forward with your gardening plans and that you can visit dispensaries where you are exposed to tons of products and accessories that can help you make the most of growing a plant in your garden.

Different Varieties

Growing marijuana in your garden is no different than any other plant in terms of the need to understand the different varieties available as well as which will thrive best in your specific conditions. Determining your goals for consumption will also help you narrow down which to select. Cannabis in Your Garden can produce both male and female flowers on separate plants. While the female flowers are ideal for use, the male buds generally are not. Being able to recognize the difference is essential and can be made extremely easy by initially selecting a variety that has been feminized. Which means someone else has already done the dirty work to breed seeds that will cultivate female plants exclusively.

Growing Conditions

Not every location and climate will be ideal for outdoor growing but that does not mean that you are limited by your location. It simply means that you will have to do your research and learn about the role that your specific garden and location will play in your overall plan. Some common factors to consider would be sunlight, air circulation, and type of soil used when potting. Feeding and watering marijuana plants is also a process that even the most experienced gardener should study up on.

Traditionally cannabis plants are extremely thirsty and require irrigation when the top layer of soil becomes too dry. Depending on the height of your plant and the surrounding area adding mulch can help lock in moisture and act as a security layer against weeds growing with and around your plant. As your plant grows you will want to prune it not only to maximize your crop but also to stay manageable in terms of form and size.


Learning about what to watch for regarding harvesting your crop might be the most important thing to consider when adding a marijuana plant to your at-home garden. Being able to recognize when it is time to harvest, as well as how to clip the buds and then how to store them once they are removed from the plant will ensure that all your hard work up to this point does not go to waste.